Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Ember's Quilt

After Ember was born, I wanted to make a quilt. Something for her to treasure and cherish as she grows up. Now I'd never ventured into the realm of quilting before, so I did it like I do with any other sewing...throw myself blindly into it and NOT follow the pattern I chose.

I started it when she was 11 weeks old and finished it one day shy of eight weeks later [Ember was 19 weeks]. I am still gobsmacked at how quickly I managed to finish it, especially being my first ever quilt.

There are 816 squares, done in 48 blocks [not including the neutral sashing between the blocks].

I have some wonderful memories of sewing the blocks with her in the baby carrier and hand binding the edging with her nestled in the quilt asleep. I miss those days sometimes...

Now at 14 months everything is just busy busy and on the go! Only time she rests is when she is napping.

It is no where near perfect. I wasn't particularly careful cutting the squares out, nor with my fabric selection...some of the fabrics are much thicker and less stretchy than quilting cotton. My straight line quilting is not very straight, and there are plenty of puckers thanks to uneven blocks because I didn't bother squaring them up. But you know what? It doesn't matter.

Because Ember loves it!