Monday, 22 April 2013

KCW: Day 1: A Jacket and Shorts

Today was the first day of the Kids Clothing Week Challenge and I did manage to sew!

Actually I managed to finish a whole garment...with a little help from my friend who popped around to veg out on my couch and keep Miss Ember entertained and away from my pin cushions.

I made another jacket for this [and probably next] winter, using Puperita's Red Riding Hood Jacket pattern, found on etsy here. I made it fully reversible with pockets on both sides

I found a gorgeous drill printed with elephants and chose a deep red quilting cotton that matched the apples on elephant drill.

For added warmth I decided [after I cut all the pieces out!] to use some wadding left over from some of my quilts. I quilted it onto the red cotton in 1.5" squares to give it some texture and interest. Next time I will definitely quilt the uncut fabric rather than each piece, as it probably took me 2-3 hours just to rule up the quilting lines and quilt it!

I fussy cut the pockets and pocket flaps to frame a few of the elephants from the fabric. The flaps can easily tuck into the pockets so they don't get in the way on the inside of the jacket. 

I can't wait to try this on Miss Ember and take some photos of her with on! 

I also made these shorts last night...don't think it really counts for the KCW, but I love them! They're Elegance and Elephant's new Bubble Shorts pattern.


  1. wow the jacket looks amazing! I love Puperita's patterns. I am just about to start assembling one of her patters - Princess dress for a baby, and this jacket is on my 'to sew in the nearest future - maybe even this week" list :)

    1. Thanks, I am stoked at how it turned out! It's a super easy pattern, made so simple by great instructions. :)

    2. I made one - finally. it turned out sweet. I agree - the pattern is very easy and instructions are great. When I first saw the jacket I thought it might be too difficult for me to make at the moment, however Puperita assured me it was easy, so I thought I would give it a go. So glad I did :) I can send you a link to pics once I post them if you like :)

    3. I'd love to see some photos! I love looking at other people's sewing. :)
