Tuesday, 23 April 2013

KCW: Day 2: Something for Sleepy Time

Unfortunately I was a little stretched for time today, as I had work which took up most of the day. I did manage to squeeze in some sewing time after dinner, with the 'help' of little fingers!

I have a stack of flannelette in my ever growing material stash. I've been meaning to use it up for a while now, as I don't really do a lot of sewing in flannelette. I just seem to collect it instead...

Well not anymore! Pyjamas here we come!!

I traced the pattern off an existing pair of Ember's pyjama pants, adding a little extra, as they were a little small for her.

I added ankle cuffs in some light purple ribbing, instead of just hemming them. I'm hoping that it might keep her a bit warmer on the cold nights.

There is a little bow on the front to help us [mainly daddy] work out the front from the back, but my model was most uncooperative and kept crawling off or trying to grab the camera, so I couldn't get a decent photo of it.

They were really quite quick and easy to make...I think it took me less than an hour to draft up the pattern, cut it out and put it together!

Well I think it is about time that I put Ember in her new pyjamas [and myself] to bed...Nighty night!!

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